Java Httpclient File Example Linux카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 26. 04:06
HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient;HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder.uri(URI.create( 'BodyHandlers.ofString).thenApply(HttpResponse::body).thenAccept(System.out::println).join; HttpClientTo send a request, first create an HttpClient fromits builder. The builder can be used to configure per-client state,like:. The preferred protocol version ( HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2 ). Whether to follow redirects.
A proxy. An authenticator.
Httpclient Send File
HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder.version(Version.HTTP2).followRedirects(Redirect.SAMEPROTOCOL).proxy(ProxySelector.of(new InetSocketAddress( 'www-proxy.com', 8080))).authenticator(Authenticator.getDefault).build;Once built, an HttpClient can be used to sendmultiple requests. HttpRequestAn HttpRequest is created from its builder. Therequest builder can be used to set:. The request URI.
The request method ( GET, PUT, POST ). The request body ( if any ). A timeout.
Request headers. HttpRequest.BodyPublishers::ofByteArray(byte)HttpRequest.BodyPublishers::ofByteArrays(Iterable)HttpRequest.BodyPublishers::ofFile(Path)HttpRequest.BodyPublishers::ofString(String)HttpRequest.BodyPublishers::ofInputStream(Supplier)HttpResponse.BodyHandlers::ofByteArrayHttpResponse.BodyHandlers::ofStringHttpResponse.BodyHandlers::ofFile(Path)HttpResponse.BodyHandlers::discardingThre are adapters betweenjava.util.concurrent.Flow'sPublisher/ Subscriber types to the HTTPClient's BodyPublisher/ BodySubscribertypes. HttpRequest.BodyPublishers::fromPublisher(.)HttpResponse.BodyHandlers::fromSubscriber(.)HttpResponse.BodyHandlers::fromLineSubscriber(.) HTTP/2The Java HTTP Client supports both HTTP/1.1 andHTTP/2. By default the client will send requests usingHTTP/2. Requests sent to servers that do not yet supportHTTP/2 will automatically be downgraded to HTTP/1.1.Here's a summary of the major improvements that HTTP/2brings:. Header Compression.
HTTP/2 uses HPACK compression, whichreduces overhead. Single Connection to the server, reduces the number of roundtrips needed to set up multiple TCP connections. Multiplexing.
Multiple requests are allowed at the same time,on the same connection. Server Push. Additional future needed resources can be sent toa client. Binary format. More compact.Since HTTP/2 is the default preferred protocol, and theimplementation seamlessly fallbacks to HTTP/1.1 wherenecessary, then the Java HTTP Client is well positioned for thefuture, when HTTP/2 is more widely deployed.